Why am I still obsessed with Anne Frank?

Anne Frank
Anne Frank (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Last week, I posted about a movie I had seen which chronicles what happened to Anne Frank before and after she and her family were discovered hiding in the attic. This is the best movie that chronicles her life (that I have seen anyway), and it is called Anne Frank – The Whole Story (2001).

Yesterday, I watched another movie, The Diary of Anne Frank, 2009, BBC version. Yes, Anne and the gang speak with British accents in this film! Which I suppose is fine if you understand British accents.. Where are my subtitles? I like Closed Caption for the Hearing Impaired and “We Annoying People Who Can’t Hear So Good.”

I can understand Anne speaking with a Dutch accent, or German accent, but British?! I had trouble getting past that.

What this movie did do well was express the feeling of claustrophobia that permeated those two years. No privacy from the fellow tenants. Absolutely no noise,  no moving around, and no using the bathroom for hours a day for fear that they would be heard, and thereby discovered.

How do you think you would feel, hiding in an attic for two years, knowing the only way of escape is either: 1) the war ends or 2) the Germans find you?

How would you handle every day annoyances, with no space to yourself, someone always nearby?

What would you do if someone makes you angry and you can’t yell for fear of discovery?

I don’t think I would handle the situation very well. In fact, I know I wouldn’t!

Anne’s outlet was her diary. Her writing. And I do understand that part. Writing her diary was her way of venting her feelings quietly, as privately as she could. It was a survival tactic. Years later it became one of the best-selling books of all time.

I will probably re-read her diary, and try to get my hands on some other books that tell the before and after story. For now, I am an obsessed Anne Fan.

6 thoughts on “Why am I still obsessed with Anne Frank?

    1. I remember the first time I heard anything about the Holocaust was from TV. I was nine years old. I saw the photos of the starving people, the mass graves, people walking off the trains. It haunted me also.


  1. I think it comes down to her innocence and lost potential for me when i read her diary. Its instinctive for us to protect those who cant protect themselves such as our children. Anne was a child who was taken by an evil oppressor, and my instinct was/is that i wanted/want to go back in time to save her from them. Thats a ridiculous thought of course, but if she was my child i would kill to defend her. As im sure Otto would have if he could have at the time. She wrote in such an open way, as is common with any diary, that she made you feel like you ‘know’ her. All her wants, needs and desires that we free folk take for granted in the modern world.

    Anne was an intelligent young, innocent girl with her whole life ahead of her robbed by a nurtured anti-semetic ignorance. Her innocence and lost potential are what draw us all to her, well me anyway because she will never fullfil it. She lives on now as a voice for the many thousands of innocent people murdered by the Third Reich. The many thousands of people who could have gone on to become great scientists, politicians or even thought provoking poets. One of those many people thrown into one of the many pits could have gone on to cure a major disease that we still suffer with, but we’ll never know now. Anne herself could have gone on to become a writer or an actress like she dreamed of in her diary making something spectacular, but again we will never know.

    What freightens me is the fact that there are people who believe the holocaust didn’t happen at all. There are people out there who still judge others by skin, religion, gender or creed like its something that matters. Like its something to accuratly measure someone usefulness by. The Third Reich happened once and there is no reason why such a thing cant happen again, even if it goes by another name. Its fuelled by a lack of transparent education on each of us and perpetuated by government propaganda that still exists today. Look at Russia and how Putin uses it to his advantage in securing complete control over a blind people.

    Anne and her family died because these things existed in her time too, and its a bloody shame that she had to die in order to give a voice to something that should never happen again. Her diary and her short life are an education sorely needed more today than ever before.


  2. I think it comes down to her innocence and lost potential for me when i read her diary. Its instinctive for us to protect those who cant protect themselves such as our children. Anne was a child who was taken by an evil oppressor, and my instinct was/is that i wanted/want to go back in time to save her from them. Thats a ridiculous thought of course, but if she was my child i would kill to defend her. As im sure Otto would have if he could have at the time. She wrote in such an open way, as is common with any diary, that she made you feel like you ‘know’ her. All her wants, needs and desires that we free folk take for granted in the modern world.

    Anne was an intelligent young, innocent girl with her whole life ahead of her robbed by a nurtured anti-semetic ignorance. Her innocence and lost potential are what draw us all to her, well me anyway because she will never fullfil it. She lives on now as a voice for the many thousands of innocent people murdered by the Third Reich. The many thousands of people who could have gone on to become great scientists, politicians or even thought provoking poets. One of those many people thrown into one of the many pits could have gone on to cure a major disease that we still suffer with, but we’ll never know now. Anne herself could have gone on to become a writer or an actress like she dreamed of in her diary making something spectacular, but again we will never know.

    What freightens me is the fact that there are people who believe the holocaust didn’t happen at all. There are people out there who still judge others by skin, religion, gender or creed like its something that matters. Like its something to accuratly measure someone usefulness by. The Third Reich happened once and there is no reason why such a thing cant happen again, even if it goes by another name. Its fuelled by a lack of transparent education on each of us and perpetuated by government propaganda that still exists today. Look at Russia and how Putin uses it to his advantage in securing complete control over a blind people.

    Anne and her family died because these things existed in her time too, and its a bloody shame that she had to die in order to give a voice to something that should never happen again. Her diary and her short life are an education sorely needed more today than ever before.


    1. Hello Debarian, thank you for stopping by. I agree, when we read her diary we feel like we know her. We remember her innocence and her belief that the world was mostly good. I’ve studied quite a bit about the holocaust, and I agree it will fueled by


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